Is Banning Books Good Or Bad?

The policy to research banned books would be national censorship; the majority of the countless challenged books in the world help people get a better idea of the world and their place in it. Challenged books should be more prioritized throughout all education because it is what makes young folk see life how it actually is and lets them adapt better once they step into adulthood. Not only do these challenged books help with differentiating reality from fantasy, but they also help those who have trouble connecting with their emotions or applying societal skills. A few of the challenged books can create portals to different life experiences for people to synchronize with; challenged books would bring out what had faded over time or would create new emotions and societal skills. Reading banned books can also encourage empathy and social-emotional development, which are vital for children’s potential future success. Solidifying one’s social-emotional skills and learning to be empathetic are important traits that would be easier to embed into a child’s mind rather than a near complete brain.

“Not only do these challenged books help with differentiating reality from fantasy, but they also help those who have trouble connecting with their emotions or applying societal skills.”

There are a few questions that have been asked. Some of which ask whether there are problems with the current policy? If there are some ways in which the policy might need to be changed in the future? Or whether the various constituents will be affected by the proposed changes? Problems regarding the current policy are minimal in the fact that although the younger audience are not able to be more knowledgeable at a younger age, they do receive a better childhood with which they have not lost their innocence or imaginative creativity. Some of the changes that need to be done to the policy are strictness against books; younger audiences are left in the dark about a plethora of different topics regarding the world because of parents and the government stating that they are doing it for the betterment of children. There are quite a few constituents who were affected by the banning of certain books; the younger generation for an example in the fact that they have higher potentiality in creating gaps of knowledge from having certain books banned. And that censoring books from the younger generation causes more damage rather then prevent it.

There are strengths and weaknesses that come with banning books. To mention a few strengths; parents are able to have the rights regarding what materials their children are exposed to and are given opportunities to discuss challenging topics with their children. And being able to regulate what is seen by their children because it might be inappropriate content or hate speech, thus lessening the impact received on their mental development. Now onto the weaknesses; with the banning of books, it takes away from those who want to read. As well as creates a false sense of reality for children which is not really preferred because when adulthood comes and hits them with reality, they will not be prepared. And it is saddening that books are being banned more and more when they are some of our best teachers, not only furthering our knowledge, but also widening our imaginative abilities and creating our sense of exploration for the unknown. It is equally as saddening when many of the efforts to ban books are a part of personal opinions instead of factual statements. 

To finalize this pre-posal, it will be concluded with multiple perspectives and how the policy would affect different groups. One group believes that banning books restricts information and discourages freedom of thought. As well as the fact that censoring books undermines one of the few primary functions: teaching students how to think for themselves to protect others from difficult ideas and information. And as you censor certain ideas and beliefs, you create a more xenophobic and ignorant society. And then there is the other group which believes that certain books should be banned because they either contain graphic violence, disrespectfulness towards their parents and family, are sexually explicit, exalt evil, lack literary merit, or include offensive language; which is unsuitable for particular age groups. The group that believes certain books should be banned because they are out of the norm compared to all other normal books, are only shooting themselves in foot by halting their own children’s development. They are preventing their children from widening their point of view and broadening their knowledge when they censor books from them.

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